
LIN,Ting-Chih 林庭芝(林慧姮)

 1985年 生於台灣臺北。



作品富文學性、詩意,以遠古生物和神話為摹本,試圖在童話、神話、宗 教、文學經典中尋找重叠交錯的共性,探索人的精神本質與信仰價值,於有限的生命中創造有力的生命狀態,讓建構畫面的旅程宛若一場似夢的考古途徑。

 2014 年獲臺灣文化部「藝術新秀首次創作發表補助計劃」圖文出版《ㄧ年花露 水》一書,並於2015 年12月開啟『交換信仰』計畫至今,期望用藝術記錄臺灣人的信仰價值。作品獲藝術銀行典藏。入選新北市創作新人獎、張心龍美術創作獎、桃源美展等。對林慧姮而言,從偶然到有意識的創造,作品中的一切的都只是 「容器」。即便擁有各自迥異的面貌,透過內在神性的流動,共同編織成世界的一個大夢。而她也在此尋得和諧統一,以及自己與世界、自我的關聯。

Lin,Hui-Heng 林慧姮 Hui-Heng Lin (b.1985) is a prominent female painter in Taiwan, famous for using dinosaurs as the theme of her series painting works. After graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts, she won several important prizes in Taiwan, held three solo exhibitions, attended dozens of joint exhibitions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. Her style is close to the philosophy of Chinese ink wash painting, depicts fragments of virtual landscapes with dinosaurs, dreamy realities, and abstract visions formed by pieces of colors. Hui-Heng’s works seek for the freedom of inner mind, and break the outer limits; her flowing sketches murmured monologues of spirit, and within blazing colors, poems of youth are song.

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